SCREENPLAYS.....(priced by writer)
TREATMENTS.....(priced by writer)
ONE PAGERS.....(priced per needs)
SCRIPT ANALYSIS.....(as low as $500)
SCRIPT POLISH.....(priced per needs)
TV PILOT.....(priced by writer)
TV BIBLE.....(priced by writer)
SHORT FILM.....(priced by writer)
STANDUP/SKETCH.....(priced by writer per minute)
SONG LYRICS.....(priced by writer)
"Artists crave love like a meal~ ...and I’ve been starving for years."
-a ghost screenwriter
NOVEL.....(priced by writer)
BIOGRAPHY.....(priced per needs)
AUTOBIOGRAPHY.....(priced per needs)
MEMOIR.....(priced per needs)
COOKBOOK.....(priced per needs)
CHILDREN'S BOOK.....(priced per needs)
SELF-HELP BOOK/MATERIAL.....(priced per needs)
ARTICLE.....(priced per needs)
I remember walking into my grandfather’s room as a kid. He had a nice big wooden desk, just for him. Everything was placed purposely on it. It was as if he’d died, and everything was left in it’s place. As if a life was lived there. Only, at the time, he was still alive. I promised myself that, one day, I’d have a desk like that. That I would have lived a life to write about. That I would also have lived a life there. And here I sit, at my big wooden desk, everything placed how I like it. And here, I live.
-a ghost novelist
WEB CONTENT.....(priced per needs)
BLOGS.....(as low as $200 per standard blog)
MANUALS.....($1000 & up/per needs)
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS.....(as low as $500)
AD COPY/SLOGANS.....(as low as $500 per ad)
TRANSCRIBING.....($175 per audio hour)
SPEECHES.....(priced by writer per minute)
"Copywriting is giving hope to the downtrodden, and excitement to the content."
-a ghost in advertising